Our "Powerkick 1200 industry" has a 4 stroke 60 cc motor that generates a maximaal of 1100 Watts with a continu output of 1000 Watts. Model 1200 is ideal for charging batteries, laptops, ipad's, cell phones and operating light industrial appliances as long as the max. output is not exceeded. This is a very handy unit  (45 x 24 x 40 cm (LxWxH) that weighs 12 Kg's. The petrol tank has a 3,0 liter capacity that is sufficient for 4,5 hours of operating time. Model 1200 uses the latest inverter technique (motor revs are controlled by power consumption) which makes it possible that the genarator is extremely silent (56 db at 7 meter distance). This generator is CE tested and has an Intertek GS certificate. If you need more technical details please refer to the manual..

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